St. John's CE Primary School

'With God All Things are possible'

Welcome to

St. John's CE Primary School

  1. Key Documents
  2. Safeguarding



We have a duty of care to ensure all of our children are safe.

In our school, we do this by making sure that everyone who comes into the building is suitable for working with children. We also work hard to minimise risk in the grounds and building.

If we have concerns about the safety of any children, we follow the procedures outlined in our Child Protection Policy.  Parents are welcome to read this policy on this website.  It outlines how we deal with any issues when we think children may not be safe, including how we would act if we felt children were not safe at home.

All concerns are recorded and handed to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who at our school is Mr. Whittle.

How do we respond if we have a concern over a child's safety?

We would usually speak with parents in the first instance or people from other agencies such as health or social care. If we feel a child is at risk of harm we would usually discuss this with parents before contacting Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS) for further advice, guidance and support. If our concern is such, where we feel we may be putting a child in greater danger if we speak to parents, then we would contact CHECS first.

We then have a duty of care to report our concerns to the Local Authority.

Parents and other adults can also contact CHECS directly if they have any safeguarding concerns over a child, it doesn't just have to be a school reporting a concern.

The CHECS team can be contacted by

Phone: 010300 123 5012 or 0300 123 5022 (Out of Hours emergency duty team)



If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding, please speak to Mr. Whittle

Designated Safguarding Lead for St. Johns CE Primary School: Mr. R Whittle

Deputy Designated Safguarding Lead for St. Johns CE Primary School: Mrs. S Jenkins & Miss S Dean

Governor responsible for Safeguarding: Mr S Parker Aiken

 Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024.pdfDownload
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